We help people adopt


ways of working and living.

Are you an employer looking
to help your workforce be happier, healthier and more productive?

Do you want to help improve your staff's concentration and focus?

Do your staff have sleep issues affecting their performance that you’d love to help them with?

Do you want your staff to have more energy and vitality?

Do you want to improve confidence and empower your team?

Do you want to improve employee well-being and therefore increase your staff retention rates?

If the answer is “yes” then The Happy Healthy Body Company can help!

Discover how:

With years of experience behind The Happy Healthy Body Company, we have witnessed the cut throat world of business and the effects it has on individuals as well as whole workforces. We create bespoke programmes and well-being sessions both in-person and virtually, that help your staff address their well-being both long term and short term, as well as providing high quality recordings for your existing online platforms and well-being portals.

Using evidence based techniques and exercises we can help your staff:

  • Improve their sleep quality

  • Relieve anxiety, stress and panic disorders

  • Help prevent MSK injuries and pain at work

  • Increase their confidence when pitching/presenting

  • Strengthen concentration and focus levels

  • Ease discomfort from prolonged sitting/desk usage

  • Drive motivation levels

  • Encourage a healthier relationship with their working life

  • Give them the tools to impact on their well-being long-term

  • Empower them to take control of their own well-being through simple to implement exercises and habits

    If you'd like to experience these results for yourself and your staff then get in touch below to see how we can help.

what do we provide?

To understand the kind of sessions we provide, have a look below. Each session can be tailored to the unique needs of your company.

  • One of our most popular sessions! Taking long breaks from your desk isn't always an option but with simple yet effective techniques, you can nourish both body and mind from the comfort of your desk chair.

  • Understanding how your breathing can be harnessed to ease anxious feeling, lessen and overcome panic attacks and reduce anxiety symptoms both long and short term… this session is a staple for any company.

  • Stress comes in all shapes and sizes. This session looks at a series of exercises and techniques you can implement at the first signs of stress as well as during a moment of panic or overwhelm. 

  • Too much screen time? Take a break with this session involving eye yoga techniques, upper body release and breath-work to give busy brains and tired peepers a rest!

  • Been told you should try “getting your thoughts out onto paper” but don’t know where to start? Discover how in this session and find out why journaling can be an incredible tool for communication, mental clarity. and overall well-being.

And so many more…

  • “In 2020/21 work-related stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health”
    — Work-Related Stress, Depression or Anxiety statistics in
    Great Britain, 2021

  • “In a survey of over 1000 respondents by Deloitte, 77% say they have experienced burnout at their current job”

    — Workplace Burnout Survey conducted by Deloitte

  • “Stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of (work) days lost due to work-related ill health in 2019/20, 17.9 million and 8.9 million respectively”
    — Days lost in Great Britain


Jess founded "The Happy Healthy Body Company" in 2021 to bring simple and effective well-being practices to those who need them the most.
Jess is a fully qualified breath-work coach (Oxygen Advantage and Butyeko), biomechanics & movement coach, exercise referral specialist, personal trainer and yoga teacher. She currently heads up the Holistic category at Gymbox as well as creating their recently launched “Mind” category, becoming the first gym brand to bring mental fitness classes into a gym environment.

As an ex-professional actress in London's West End, Jess has the tools and engagement skills to help companies and staff improve their confidence, communication, presentation and pitching. She prides herself on making wellness accessible for everyone and has worked with companies and individuals alike on improving their mental and physical well-being and believes that with the right approach, everyone can find a happier and healthier work-life balance.



London, UK